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                                                         IMPORTANT NOTICE - THE END OF OUR APP

It's with sad faces that we advise that our premium Android app is no longer available on the GooglePlay platform. Put simply, we could no longer afford to pay for the continual upgrades that were required to keep it on that platform. Having an app was suggested to us by our wonderful listeners but it grew to the point where the app cost us more money than it generated for the station. We sincerely apologise for this but we can't keep outlaying our personal finances to support this service. Our app users were originally advised of this via this website, our social media feeds, written message via our app and via its audio introductory message in August 2023.


If you've previously (or recently) purchased our app before we could unpublish it from the GooglePlay store, we can only apologise. Today we were notified by our server provider AzuraCast that their Cast5 server which runs our app's audio stream crashed last night taking out not only our app's audio stream but also thousands of other radio stations. Apparently the server isn't repairable. We've been informed that to get back on-air, we need to be set up with a completely new server. To be frank, this will take weeks to do. Given the situation with our app having to be removed from the GooglePlay store, we've decided that the work and cost involved is no longer worth it. We're a retired couple on a pension in New Zealand who fund about 80% of this station's running costs personally. We can no longer afford it.

The good news is that our website's audio stream is hosted by a different server and you can listen in here or via almost 50 internet radio directories here. We're also on the free TuneIn Android app here and the Apple App Store here.

Lastly, please be aware that there are a number of rogue app developers on the GooglePlay store who have called their app "Sleep Radio", simply to reap advertising revenue using our name. They aren't associated with us at all. 

We're currently working on a new free Android and Windows app which will be launched in December this year.




This website, the name SLEEP RADIO and its audio stream is internationally trademarked and copyrighted © - 2014 to John Watson trading as Sleep Radio. All rights reserved.​ Our audio streaming services are provided solely to listeners who need to listen to uninterrupted music to relax and sleep. Duplication or copying of any audio, information or image on this website is strictly prohibited. Similarly, any recording, relaying or re-broadcasting of this station's audio feed via website, app or AM/FM/SW/DAB relaying is strictly prohibited without express written permission of the owner of SLEEP RADIO. Any person, organisation or company in breach is liable to prosecution, damages and costs.

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